Dr. Miriam’s (Monthly-ish) Newsletter
Join 50,000+ people ready to strengthen their relationships and resilience and create more connected lives!
Roundups of the latest podcast episodes, interviews, and research on relationships and resilience.
Deep dives into the friendship changes, challenges, + celebrations we all go through with actionable takeaways, reflection questions, and prompts.
Upcoming events, courses, and workshops to add to your social calendar (and exclusive promo codes to make it doable!)
Realistic (and slightly sarcastic) greeting cards to send to… you’ll know who!
A look at what Dr. Miriam has been reading, watching, savoring and connecting with friends over, lately.
Good things come to those... on the list. When exciting news, unexpected opportunities, or need-to-know updates happen, you’ll be the first to hear!
Realistic (and slightly sarcastic) greeting cards to send to… you’ll know who!
A look at what Dr. Miriam has been reading, watching, savoring and connecting with friends over, lately.
Good things come to those... on the list. When exciting news, unexpected opportunities, or need-to-know updates happen, you’ll be the first to hear!